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Own Page Model

Own Page Model

First you need to implement your own Page model. This model should inherit from fastapi_pagination.bases.AbstractPage. You will need to implement create abstract classmethod.

Also,you need to create your own Params model or to use one of the existing ones.

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TypeVar, Generic, Any, Sequence, Optional

from fastapi_pagination import Params
from fastapi_pagination.bases import AbstractPage, AbstractParams

T = TypeVar("T")

class MyPage(AbstractPage[T], Generic[T]):
    results: list[T]
    totalResults: int

    __params_type__ = Params

    def create(
        items: Sequence[T],
        params: AbstractParams,
        total: Optional[int] = None,
        **kwargs: Any
    ) -> MyPage[T]:
        assert total is not None, "total must be provided"

        return cls(

page = MyPage[int].create(range(10), Params(), total=100)

Own Params Model

You can create your own Params model. In order to do that, you need to inherit from fastapi_pagination.bases.AbstractParams and implement to_raw_params abstract method.

to_raw_params method should return an instance of BaseRawParams class. There are two types of BaseRawParams limit-offset (RawParams) and cursor (CursorRawParams). Also, you can control if total value should be calculated by passing include_total attribute to True or False.

Here if example of Params model for limit-offset pagination:

from typing import Annotated

from fastapi import Query
from fastapi_pagination.bases import AbstractParams, RawParams

class MyParams(AbstractParams):
    pageNumber: Annotated[int, Query(..., ge=1)]
    pageSize: Annotated[int, Query(..., ge=1, le=100)]

    def to_raw_params(self) -> RawParams:
        return RawParams(
            offset=(self.pageNumber - 1) * self.pageSize,
            include_total=False,  # skip total calculation

Here is an example of Params model for cursor pagination:

from typing import Annotated

from fastapi import Query
from fastapi_pagination.bases import AbstractParams, CursorRawParams

class MyCursorParams(AbstractParams):
    cursor: Annotated[str, Query(...)]
    pageSize: Annotated[int, Query(..., ge=1, le=100)]

    def to_raw_params(self) -> CursorRawParams:
        return CursorRawParams(
            include_total=False,  # skip total calculation