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How can I change default size of page params?

To change default size of page params, you can use CustomizedPage and UseParamsFields customizer:

from typing import TypeVar

from fastapi import FastAPI, Query
from fastapi_pagination import Page, add_pagination, paginate
from fastapi_pagination.customization import CustomizedPage, UseParamsFields

app = FastAPI()

T = TypeVar("T")

CustomPage = CustomizedPage[
        # change default size to be 5, increase upper limit to 1 000
        size=Query(5, ge=1, le=1_000),

# req: GET /nums
async def get_nums() -> CustomPage[int]:
    return paginate(range(1_000))

I'm getting RuntimeError error in my tests, what should I do?

If you are getting RuntimeError: Use params, add_pagination or pagination_ctx and had no clue about what should I do., the easiest way to fix it is to add call set_params function in your test:

from fastapi_pagination import set_params, Params

def test_my_endpoint():
    set_params(Params(size=10, page=2))
    # your test code

But better solution will be to make sure that lifespan was called on app that you are testing:

from asgi_lifespan import LifespanManager
from fastapi import FastAPI
from httpx import AsyncClient
from pytest_asyncio import fixture

async def client(app: FastAPI):
    async with AsyncClient(app=app, base_url="http://test") as app_client:
        async with LifespanManager(app):
            yield app_client